
The Support Services for Scholarships is the service arm of the University of the Immaculate Conception for managing and streamlining all financial aids and assistance, including government loan programs extended to deserving but financially disadvantaged students.


1. To ensure that the deserving but economically disadvantaged youth of society are benefited by the foundation;

2. To ensure that the intent of the donors and benefactors are carried out and benefit the intended beneficiary;

3. To ensure that UIC institutional scholarship program is aligned with the purposes and objectives of the University.

What we do for our partners

1. Identify and screen beneficiaries in accordance with the criteria set by the donors and that of the University;

2. Monitor academic performance of beneficiaries;

3. Administer the donated funds.

4. Reports to donors and benefactors

5. Gives Recognition to the proper donors during graduation and other occasions

6. Publishes the Grants at the UIC’s Website (unless otherwise expressed by donors)

Types of Donations

1. General Information

Cash donations that are pooled to support a scholar and are categorized as unrestricted funds;

2. Grants

Restricted funds may carry the name of the donor unless otherwise wished by donor.

Services provided to Scholars

1. Academic Monitoring

Scholars should maintain the required academic performance to continue receiving the benefits of the scholarship. Monitoring their academic performance ensures they stay within the parameters of the scholarship requirements.

2. Guidance and Counselling

Scholars having difficulty adjusting to a new academic environment are assisted through consultation with the faculty and administration concerned and provided guidance and counselling either through the Guidance Center or the Scholarship Office.

3. Values Formation

Scholars are able to benefit from a Christian quality education through the generosity of donors and benefactors. The UIC Scholarship program passes these virtues of the University: Faith, Service, and Excellence.

UIC Scholarship