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College of Computer Studies
Message From The Dean

Dear ITE Graduates,

Praised be Jesus and Mary!

I congratulate you in this momentous event of your lives. It may have been a bumpy ride for you, but the hard work you have exerted paid
off. Now, you are ready to embark on another chapter. With this new journey, I would like to give you few thoughts to ponder.

You will be entering into a life that you perceived to have much freedom. Teachers will not be there to tell you what to do, parents
will not pressure you on your studies, and at last, you will be free from the ridiculous rules and regulations of the school. However, life after graduation will have different kinds of restraint. It is either you control yourself or be controlled by life. There is a natural order of how things work, and it is balanced. Disturb this balance, and you’ll get life’s lessons that will hit you harder than the ones in your Mathematics or Computer Programming subjects. Self-discipline is very important especially in the field of Information and Communications Technology (ICT).

It is my deepest hope that you become champions of technology rather than its slaves. Don’t stop learning. Don’t stop believing. Shun
mediocrity, and start making a difference. Keep the faith alive, and treasure the values that our school, the University of the Immaculate Conception, has taught you.

Again, congratulations, and may God bless you all.


Eric John G. Emberda,
Dean, ITE Programs

CCS - Message From The Dean