Guidance and Testing
Guidance and Testing


The Guidance and Counseling Program of the University of Immaculate Conception adheres to the Catholic belief that every person is created into the “image and likeness of God” and stresses the development of the whole person through promoting psycho-social growth of students.


The University of Immaculate Conception Guidance and Counseling Program is committed to helping students attain their full academic potential, personal/social and career development and foster responsible independence and develop a sense of self-worth as they strive to identify and clarify values and goals, through supportive counseling relationships with students, parents, teachers and administrators.

Guidance and Counseling Services

  1. Individual Inventory Analysis- The collection of extensive comprehensive information about individual for proper understanding, decision making and placements.
  2. Information- The comprehensive and systematic collection and dissemination of information outside the individual through various methods and programs to assist students in their personal, educational and occupational planning.
  3. Counseling- The heart of the Guidance Program.  The dynamic personal interaction between a counselor and counselee/s.
  4. Consultation- The mutual sharing and analysis of information with administration/ management, faculty and parents to facilitate decision making and learning about strategies for helping the counselee.
  5. Prevention and Wellness- Promoting lifestyle changes for healthy living.
  6. Referral- The tapping of agencies, organizations, or individuals that may be of better assistance in the counselee’s resolutions or problems and attainment of full potentials.
  7. Placement- The facilitation of the clientele’s movement to the appropriate educational or occupational level programs.
  8. Follow-up- The appraisal of how counselees who have been counseled, placed, or referred or have graduated are doing, to determine whether further assistance is necessary.
  9. Research and Evaluation- The attempt to unearth the needs of the institutional community and determination of whether the services offered have attained their objectives and are meeting the needs of the clientele.



Guidelines on Entrance Exams Schedule are as follows:

MAIN CAMPUS ( College Entrance Exam) ANNEX CAMPUS( Masteral, PhD, Clinical Pharmacy Entrance Exam )








Monday – Friday8:00 AM- 11:00 AM1:30 PM- 4:30 PM
Bajada Campus:
Grade School Entrance Exam  Schedule
April to MayMonday-Friday8:30-11:00 AM

1:30-4:00 PM

8:30 -11:00 AM

High School Entrance Exam Schedule
April to MayMonday-Friday

8:30-11:00 AM

1:30-4:00 PM

8:30 -11:00 AM


For inquiries you may visit or call us tel. no. 221-8090/221-8191 loc. 125.


UIC Guidance and Testing